Dermabrasion: Reasons for getting dermabrasion?

suriya mir
4 min readOct 27, 2021

The word “Derm” means “skin,” and “abrasion” means “the process of scraping something away.” Dermabrasion is an ablative surgical treatment where a dermatologist or plastic surgeon uses a thin wire brush or a diamond fraise to physically abrade the epidermis and dermis of your skin in a controlled manner.

This therapy is popular among those who want to enhance their skin’s look. However, if you are looking for a way to get rid of your acne scars for a long time, dermabrasion is the right option. The reasons for getting dermabrasion and conditions treated with dermabrasion include fine wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars, and uneven texture.

You need to understand both the risks and the benefits before deciding on dermabrasion. For example, dermabrasion is just an excellent option if you have fair skin. However, darker skin tones are more susceptible to discoloration. Therefore, alternative skin resurfacing techniques may produce more impressive results if your skin is darker.

Dermabrasion is a procedure performed at a dermatologist’s clinic. A specialist will numb your skin with an anesthetic before removing the outermost layers of your skin during the operation. This is an outpatient surgery, which means you may recover at home after the procedure.

Reasons For Getting Dermabrasion

There are several reasons for getting dermabrasion which is given below.

  • Precancerous skin patches
  • Sun damage
  • Acne scars
  • Tattoos
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Scars from surgery or injury
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Stretch marks
  • Red, thick skin on the nose (rhinophyma)

Dermabrasion is among other therapies available for these issues. Always discuss all of your treatment choices with your dermatologist for your unique problem.

Dermabrasion can’t improve

  • radiation burns
  • inflammatory acne
  • burn scars
  • recurrent herpes flare-ups

How do you prepare for dermabrasion?

Your doctor will do a physical examination, evaluate your medical history, and discuss your risks and expectations with you before beginning treatment. Discuss with your doctor if any drugs you’re taking, including over-the-counter medicines and nutritional supplements.

You may need to stop taking them since they may make you more prone to bleeding or darken your skin. If you’ve taken isotretinoin (Accutane) in the last year, tell your doctor. Your doctor may also advise you to avoid smoking for a few weeks before and after your treatment. Smoking causes the skin to age prematurely, but it also reduces blood flow and delays the healing process.

Try to avoid taking sun exposure. Skin darkening can be caused by too much sun exposure without appropriate protection two months before dermabrasion. You’ll also be told to stay out of the sun while your skin heals and to wear sunscreen every day after it’s healed.

Before dermabrasion, your doctor may additionally advise you to use the following :

  1. Antiviral medicine: should be taken before and after dermabrasion to avoid viral infections.
  2. Retinoid cream: This lotion, which is made mostly of vitamin A, helps in the healing process.
  3. Oral antibiotic:This will avoid a bacterial infection, which is particularly essential if you have acne.

What happens during dermabrasion procedure?

During the procedure to make you more comfortable, your skin will be cleaned with an antiseptic, and your healthcare practitioner will give you either or a combination of the following:

  • Local anesthetic injection.
  • Numbing spray.
  • Topical anesthetic gel.

Your healthcare practitioner will use a high-speed rotary tool with an abrasive diamond wheel or wire brush to scrape away the upper layers of your skin and reveal the new layers beneath. Your healthcare practitioner will apply a wet dressing to your skin after the operation to keep it covered while it recovers.

Duration of the procedure

The length of the treatment depends on how much of the skin is dermabraded. It might take as little as a few minutes or as long as 90 minutes.

What happens after the procedure?

Your doctor will give you detailed home care instructions on changing your dressings and covering the treated area. Then, in around two weeks, you can expect to return to work.

Your skin will be pink and puffy after dermabrasion, and it may feel like it’s burning or tingling. While healing, the skin may leak a clear or yellow liquid or crust over. Your skin will take around three months to recover fully, and the pink hue will disappear.

To avoid any issues after dermabrasion, you must perform the following:

  • Cleanse your skin on a daily basis. This will help prevent infection by removing the crusting formed by the normal healing process.
  • Try to avoid sun exposure . (And when you’ve healed, use sunscreen every day.
  • Change the ointment or dressing on a frequent basis to keep the area moist and help the healing process.
  • Avoid vigrous sports

In addition, you’ll go to one or more follow-up appointments so your doctor can monitor your progress. One of the studies showed that the effectiveness of dermabrasion in the treatment of vitiligo.

Complications of dermabrasion

The most prevalent complications are :

  • Scarring.
  • Loss of freckles.
  • Infection.
  • Changes in skin tone.
  • Enlarged pores (usually temporary).
  • Swelling and rashes.

Duration of recovery

Your skin will most likely take at least two weeks to recover. It might take many weeks (or even months) before you receive the complete, final findings. Make sure to carefully follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations since some people may be given special instructions to help them manage certain health issues as they recover.

When should I contact my dermatologist?

Contact your dermatologist as soon as you develop wrinkles, sun damage, melasma, scars, and other signs of aging.

